Daily use of 30 SPF 2 weeks prior
Discontinue use of AHA's, Retinols, any Vitamin A derivatives Tretinoin 4 weeks prior.
Discontinue use of any herbal supplements or medications that cause photosensitivity 2 weeks prior.
Blood thinners must be discontinued 3 - 5 days prior per your Dr's recommendation if applicable. AVOID Ibuprofen 24 hours prior.
Must be in good health day of treatment.
No infections present.
No prolonged sun exposure 2 weeks prior.
No sunburn or tan present day of treatment.
Be current with Anti-Viral meds per your Dr's instructions.
GP release letter if applicable.
You will experience a mild sunburn sensation. This may last several hours.
As part of the natural healing response the area may become swollen, especially the eyes. It is helpful to sleep at an incline. Drink lots of water.
Occasional weeping is normal. Blot gently with lint free tissue.
Try to avoid Ibuprofen and other Anti-Inflammatories. Tylenol may be used if needed.
The dots will form small crusts. You MUST NOT PICK or SCRATCH. This can result in infection, scarring and/or hyperpigmentation. The crusts will fall off naturally without help in 5 - 7 days revealing new pink skin. The body may take longer.
Use a gentle, mild cleanser twice daily using your fingertips. Be gentle. Blot dry. Apply healing home care product* after cleansing as per instructions.
Apply 100% Pure Aloe* throughout the day as needed.
Do not wear moisturizer, sun protection or makeup until dots have fallen off.
Saunas, swimming, sun exposure and exercise should be avoided until dots fall off.
Wear a physical SPF of 30 or higher once dots have fallen off. Sun protection is essential and should be continued daily. Prolonged sun exposure during the 3 months that follow should be avoided.
Avoid any products containing alcohol and fragrances.
Glow Baby, Glow!